Data Sheet

Learning Strategy Workshops


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Targeted Learning to Improve Operational Performance
Three of the top challenges facing business leaders today are:
  • becoming nimble enough to capitalize on opportunities as they arise,
  • attracting retaining talented people, and
  • developing those talented people into an agile, adaptable workforce.

The top concern of talented people is personal and professional development.

The inescapable conclusion:

If you focus on helping people develop themselves, talented people will join your organization and your business will thrive.

...if you align learning to your business goals.

PhenomᵉCloud's Learning Strategy Workshops do just that. They help you

  • develop learning strategies that support your business goals,
  • select the right delivery channels to maximize learning,
  • plan your programs and projects to maximize your investment, and
  • evaluate and report on the impact of learning on the business.

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